Time Management System - TMS
Supports management of time spent on: Activities / Tasks / Projects / other / etc.
System Administration
 ØUser privileges & access security
 ØSQL data base access
 Øsecure Web access
User definitions
 Øcan be integrated with HR data base
 Øindividual user right & privilege
Organizational Units
 Øflexible creation of "Hierarchies", Projects
 ØDefines the "reporting to" rules
Multiple Reporting Modules
 Øany level of sorting and grouping
 ØManagement sums only in real time
 Øassigned to Project Leaders
 Øhave Sub-Items or Versions
 Øcontain Tasks, Activities
Sub-Items, Versions
 Øallow for finer structuring of items, etc.
 ØVersions allows for Activities of R&D
Tasks, Activities
 Øspecify what has to be done by the group
 Øtime, effort is assigned to group members
 Øassigned to Organizational Units
 Øhave rules according to local HR-laws
 Øsick leave, personal days, vacations, etc.